Classic pimento cheese with creamy texture and a little extra kick. This is a great make-ahead dish. I love grilled pimento cheese sandwiches, and this...
Savory marinated chicken on a bed of cream cheese infused with garlic and cilantro, topped with crunchy peanuts, more cilantro, and a spicy sweet chile...
Serve this with crudites to keep it light; celery and carrot sticks are the perfect vessel for scooping up the Buffalo goodness! You can even add some...
This is a great guacamole recipe which is very easy to customize to your own tastes. The addition of lime and chipotle puts a spin on this simple recipe...
One of the most popular appetizers I know of. Fruit always disappears first, especially when served with this dip! Goes especially well with cantaloupe,...
Roasted-pepper green salsa just like grandma makes it, well, minus the molcajete. It's just easier to make in a food processor. The heat of your salsa...
This is a flavorful bread dipping sauce that combines the sweet tartness and richness of both tomato and balsamic, with the nuttiness and freshness of...
This is one of the most amazing and easy cheese appetizers ever. It's got that texture that people love about goat cheese. Basil and tomato have a proven...
Break out the beef ball and get the party rolling! Dried chipped beef and cheese are rolled into a tantalizing treat that's great with buttery, round crackers,...
Chick peas have a very low glycemic index, which means they create steady blood sugar and are especially healthful for diabetics. Curry powder contains...
I live in Turkey and love ordering haydari at restaurants or picking it up from the deli section at the market. It is a thick and tangy Turkish yogurt...
Miami tries to claim the Cuban sandwich as its own, but Tampa had it long before Miami. The 2 sandwiches are similar, but Tampa's is the authentic Cuban...
Goat cheese and beets not only make a great side or salad, they also make a tasty dip! Serve with crostini, pita chips or crackers. Beets will stain, so...
A super cream cheese and pesto spread. Very simple, but a great flavor combination. It looks very pretty for Christmas parties. Serve with crackers or...
Much less expensive and much less time-consuming than it looks. You can buy a small jar of caviar in the canned-fish section of your supermarket for about...
This recipe is a hot version of a classic corn dip, both in spice and temperature, that is very tasty indeed. It is a culmination of several variations...
This is a great cheesy and flavorful appetizer for holidays or any other time. Betcha can't eat just one as they are delicious. Great served with buttery...
After working this recipe for years, it's finally ready to share. Suspect even those who don't enjoy liver might change their minds after tasting this...
This is a rich dip, and easy to make! Serve with water crackers, as you want to taste all the goodies in the dip. A good variation from the same old artichoke...
This delicious cheese ball was developed and modified by me, and every time I serve it I am forced to share the recipe with everyone who tastes it. I roll...
A sweet and spicy fresh fruit salsa starring kiwi, strawberries, blackberries, and apples; seasoned with cayenne, hot sauce, green salsa, and lime juice....
A very tasty and simple mango salsa. It can also be used over chicken, with fajitas, or with quesadillas. I chop up the ingredients in my food processor...
A delicious cheese ball that combines sour cream, butter, cream cheese, and Worcestershire sauce with finely chopped pepperoni. Try it with crackers or...
Black beans make a delicious and healthy alternative to the usual garbanzo beans in hummus. This recipe is a crowd-pleaser and a nice staple at any gathering....
This is a recipe my mother found a few years ago. Corn, cheese, and a little Mexican spice make this a dip to remember. I make it for any party I have...
I fell in love with Carlos O'Kelly's chili con queso with chicken, and experimented until I came up with something I think is a great imitation. It's often...